5 Important Things to Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

CBD oil is on the rise. Over the last few years, it has become increasingly popular as people begin to understand its health benefits. There are many different brands of CBD oil on the market today and some can be quite expensive while others are affordable. The main question that most pet owners have is “What is CBD oil?” and “Is it safe for dogs?” In this article, we look at the benefits of CBD oil for dogs. We also share some basic knowledge about CBD products that will help you understand how they work and how to use them safely.

1. CBD Oil Do Not Make Your Dogs High

THC is the cannabinoid responsible for making you high. CBD oil does not have THC so it will never make your dogs high. In fact, there are no cannabinoids in CBD oil products that will get your dog intoxicated at all.  The biggest reason why people love using this for their pets is that they can use it without having to worry about the psychoactive effects.

2. CBD Oil Has Antioxidant Properties

CBD oil is a fantastic antioxidant that counteracts the free radicals in your dog’s body and prevents damage to its cells and tissues. Just like antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, cannabinoids work as scavengers for free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that damage cells and can lead to a lot of health problems. CBD oil has been shown to help with a variety of ailments, from cancer to arthritis.

3. CBD Oil Has Anti-inflammatory Properties

CBD oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases in dogs. The inflammation associated with arthritis can cause your dog a lot of pain and CBD oil can help reduce this inflammation.

4.   CBD Oil Has Neuroprotective Properties

You may not know it but CBD oil actually has properties that help protect your dog’s brain and prevent degenerative neurological diseases like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. CBD has shown great potential in treating a variety of neurological disorders and preventing the onset of neurodegeneration. If you have an aging pet, consider using CBD oil to help it improve its sense of smell, regulate its mood and manage pain.

5. There Are Lots Of Fake CBD Oil Products on The Market

CBD experts of http://www.sanjuanjournal.com/national-marketplace/5-best-cbd-oil-for-dogs/ warn that there are lots of fake CBD oil products out there. It’s vital to find a trusted source so you can be sure that what your dog is ingesting is safe and effective.

One way to tell if the product is legitimate or not is by checking its purity levels. If it has a purity level of 99%, you can be sure that it is safe for your dog to ingest. Any less than that and there may be harmful impurities in the product.

THC content is another thing you can check. If the product contains THC, it should only be used under the advice and supervision of a veterinarian. These are just two ways to ensure that you’re buying a safe CBD oil for dogs.


CBD oil is a great way to treat your dogs and prevent/alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases. It has antioxidant, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties which make it very useful for many dogs. As long as you find a trusted source, your dog can benefit from CBD oil without having to worry about any side effects.
